New bars' vs. old bars' nutrition and flavors

So I got my shipment of every pilot bar, tried them all out, and I like the taste and texture, except the curry, tomato and cocoa flavors are too strong, in my opinion. I mean specifically these primary flavors, not the secondary flavors also present in the bars.

Also if we compare the new bars’ vs. the old bars’ nutrition info on the spreadsheet, we will see that the new bars have a better micronutrient profile than the old ones, since the old ones have very low dosages of some micronutrients, for example low vitamins D, E, K and selenium in the banana flavored bars.

Do you have plans to “upgrade” the old flavors with the new, better micronutrient profile?

I think this would be very good, because, for example, every flavor in the new bars have ingredients that are common triggers of acid reflux. If you could upgrade the micronutrients for the banana, carrot and chickpeas flavored bars, it would be really good for people with GERD, since they wouldn’t need to compromise better micronutrient profile for more GERD-friendly flavors, or look for a different product anymore.

I hope it’s as straightforward as adding some of your microelement mix to the product?

Hello @biohacker!

Sorry for the delay, we have been quite busy here.

Thanks a lot for you feedback!
We take good notes about your feeling the taste is too strong.

Do you have plans to “upgrade” the old flavors with the new, better micronutrient profile?

Micronutrients is very hard with the organic regulation, hence the “old bars” (2020-2024) being low for some…

I hope it’s as straightforward as adding some of your microelement mix to the product?

… hence no, this is very much not straightforward in organic, as standalone micronutrients are not allowed: we must find ingredients containing those.

We do not plan to upgrade those “old bars” as we do not produce those anymore since this summer, we currently sell the stock.

I think this would be very good, because, for example, every flavor in the new bars have ingredients that are common triggers of acid reflux.

Understood. Which ingredients do you identify as triggers of acid reflux?